Evos Gent
Evos Gent
Evos Ghent is a large-scale multiproduct terminal in North Sea Port highly integrated with its customers via pipelines and connections by road, rail and inland waterways. They are dedidated to move from storage and handling of fossil based products towards climate neutral products and green molecules.
Evos is transforming value chains to ensure a continuous flow of your product. Supported by advanced terminals and expertise, they enable delivery of future-forward solutions that respond to changing needs. Their terminal infrastructure spans five key European hubs, totalling a 6.3 m cbm combined storage capacity. With a wide variety of 1) operational services such as blending, heating, additivation & denaturing, butanizing, nitrogen blanketing, homogenizing and filtration and 2) logistic services such as (de)charging, ship-to-ship transfer (via terminal or direct) and tank-to-tank transfer. Focus products for the site in Ghent are biodiesel, SAF, vegoils, Specialty chemicals and chemical feedstock.