Rain Carbon
Rain Carbon
Rain Carbon Zelzate on the Ghent Terneuzen Canal is part of the Rain Carbon Inc group. with offices worldwide. The chemical company specializes in producing and supplying carbon-based chemicals and advanced materials such as carbon precursors for the aluminum, steel and battery industries, production of phthalic anhydride, benzene and aromatic components for industrial applications.

The Rain Carbon site in Zelzate already reuses 60 percent of all primary energy. And are the infrastructure and processes tuned in such a way that there is a smart integration of the exothermic and endothermic facilities, so that energy losses are kept to a minimum.
For the near future, the site in Zelzate is also focusing on renewable energy, buffering heat through high-temperature storage of products and making the logistics chain green, such as eliminating the CO2 footprint of ships ashore.